The following is the full dictation. Pink highlights below reference Monique, her group and Shangra-la. Most of this highlighted information is edited out of the dictation on Kim's website.

Let there be joy in your spirituality

A message from Master MORE
MORE, I am. More you are. More you have been willing to become. 
My beloved, you may think that discussions like you have had today and yesterday are unimportant. Some may think that you should do rosaries or decrees instead. But I tell you, there is an Alpha and Omega to everything. And the flow will only be there when the Alpha and the Omega are in balance. And thus you see, my beloved, in previous organizations, sponsored by the Ascended Host, there was not the balance, and thus we had students give decrees for many hours and hardly ever had a talk such as you have had today and yesterday. 

But in this new age, the Omega must come into balance, so there can be the completed figure-eight flow. And so you see that talks like you have had are essential, not only for making you aware of issues, but because when you come together and have discussions like this, you are sending your understanding into the mass consciousness. And through your own processing, and through the tie to your culture, you are resolving issues in the mass consciousness, seeking to crystallize that understanding, bringing about that crystallization. So that those who at inner levels are close to breaking through, can now break through and embrace a higher understanding with their outer minds. Thereby, they too become part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.

So everything has its place and certainly you have made significant progress in crystallizing and understanding the potential for this nation and for your own community and group. This, then, is worthy of my gratitude and recognition—hereby given. It is also worthy of recognition that this is a process that has been going on for several years by the many people in this nation who have studied the askrealjesus and our other websites and who have given rosaries. For each person giving a rosary has contributed to the building of a momentum.

You have prepared a chalice
Yet my beloved, we have come specifically to this group for a reason. And so let me discourse on why I, Master MORE, am here. I am here for a number of different reasons but I am first of all here because you have formed a chalice. The group that has gathered around Monique,* is made up of people with a close tie to my heart. You have come together because you have recognized that you have a mission together. You have been willing to start and walk that mission, even though you had no clear vision and understanding of its full potential and even its higher goal. The goal that reaches beyond your own healing and your own growth. 

Yet my beloved, the pivotal moment that has brought me here – in the form that I am expressing right now – was that Monique found the askrealjesus website and was willing – after a reasonable amount of hesitation – to embrace it. I say “reasonable” because we do not desire anyone to blindly accept anything. Take time, ponder, be aware of what you feel in yourself. If there is resistance, acknowledge it, look at it, do not suppress it. Work through it, so that when you embrace something you can do it undivided—wholeheartedly.

And so, had Monique not accepted the askrealjesus website, obviously I would not be here to give this delivery. This does not mean that she would have failed in her mission, but it does mean that her mission would not have reached its highest potential. There is in everyone’s divine plan a high potential and a lower potential, and within that range you can still fulfill your divine plan. And you will see, that Monique would have been able to gather a group around her and help that group grow, as well as grow herself, but it would have remained at a certain level. Not necessarily a low level but not the highest possible level. 

She could have been quite comfortable in that position. So could the people around her. You could have formed a circle where you could have experienced growth and you could have had much enjoyment. And to some degree, you might recognize that there is an element of your consciousness that longs for that very personal, tight-nit group and is somewhat hesitant about what the future might bring—now that you have, so to speak, let the cat out of the box. The cat being myself. 

For you see, my beloved, I am respectful of free will. Yet, I am not using the name MORE for nothing. For if you are not willing to become more, then I must withdraw at least part of my sponsorship and Presence. And it was only in reaching beyond the circle, the closed group, that you could all grow.

Why we use messengers
This, my beloved, is the only reason why we use messengers to give messages. It is not to raise them up, but it is to show the example that if you truly want to reach your full potential, you must reach beyond the Mother herself. You must not allow the Mother to become a closed circle, to become an end in itself. You must always reach—reach for more, and that is the Divine Father. Which is the element, the only element, that can bring that quality of MORE into the Ma-ter realm, the realm of the Mother. So that the Mother will continue to transcend and grow, rather than becoming stale and therefore becoming the dirty water that cannot sustain life but becomes a sewer with the stench of death.

Thus, my beloved, because of Monique and the group embracing these teachings, that we are giving through the Shangra-La Mission, you have been able to take your group to a higher level. This physical center is a manifestation of that. Compare it to your old meeting room and see the growth. But I caution you not to let this building become an end in itself. For I tell you that it was too small before it was even built. Not thereby saying that it should not have been built in its present form, for there is a practical reality and what we need the center to be is a focal point. 
But do not, in your mind, limit the growth of your group and the activity in this nation to the size of this building and the number of people it will hold. Do not limit what God can do through you in your coming together in unity to form this community.

No more room for exclusivity
My beloved, as you know, in previous organizations there was a culture of exclusivity, that our organization has the only true messenger, or the only two. This is a matrix that was done for a reason, for a testing, of whether the students of the Ascended Masters could transcend the piscean mindset and move into the aquarian mindset. Those who could not are left behind in their closed circles, where they feel comfortable and somewhat superior, yet they do not realize that the water is becoming more and more stale. There is not the creativity, and when there is not creativity, a movement can not transcend itself and go beyond. 

Thus, as Mother Mary spoke about earlier, the early followers of The Way had that creativity, were open to that flow of creativity through the agency of the Holy Spirit, which is why the Christian movement grew. And so you have that potential, by coming to realize that the Holy Spirit is not exclusive, cannot be monopolized by any one person or organization. And that it is not our intention in the Aquarian Age to set up one or two messengers and say that they are the only ones. 

However, we do desire, as we have talked about before, to have an organizational structure that is like a wheel with a hub in the center and many spokes that go out from there. That there may be groups in many different nations, and that these groups can have their own messengers. However, these messengers do not see themselves as standing alone, as self-sufficient, or as superior. They see themselves as part of a greater whole.

And this is the testing, my beloved. Will you recognize yourself as part of a greater whole and thereby escape the ego-temptation of using even a spiritual teaching, even a sponsorship by the Ascended Masters, to build a subtle sense of ego? The separation, that you are somehow special because you are a messenger or even a student. Perhaps even a long-time student who has done all of the outer things faithfully and therefore earned the right, you feel – your ego feels – to be superior. 

That is a trap that many have fallen into. That is a trap that we desire to see you avoid through humility and through creating a culture, as we have said before, where the ego cannot hide. And where it is addressed directly and where those who rise to positions in the movement are those who are most willing to look at the beam in their own eye and not take offense, not leave in a huff but be willing to look at it—even when it is painful and hard. As you saw the willingness in Monique this afternoon. For again, had she not been presented with that test by me, through our messengers, had she not passed that test willingly, I would not be speaking here tonight.

Be my twin flame
Now my beloved, you may know, some of you, that in a previous dispensation called the Bridge to Freedom, it was said that the messenger of that organization was the twin flame of El Morya. This is not necessarily incorrect, but it is incorrect with the linear understanding of twin flames that the students had at the time. 

With a slight twinkle in my eye, I might remind you that I was embodied as Abraham, a patriarch in the Middle East. My beloved, I had a sizable harem back then. And I do not today intend to limit myself to just one twin flame in embodiment. For you see, I AM MORE than anyone in embodiment and in being MORE – representing the Divine Father to planet earth – I am capable of having multiple twin flames in embodiment at the same time. Thus, the twin flame of Master MORE is not, as was understood in a linear teaching, the divine counterpart that was created as I was created.

The Invitation spiritual center
The higher understanding of twin flames is that the twin flame of Master MORE is the one who chooses to be that twin flame by accepting him or herself. For surely, we can transcend the outer sex of the physical body and coming into that oneness with the Being that I AM. Thus, being the twin flame of Master MORE is not something that one is or one is not. It is something that one chooses. Thus, I ask you, Monique, “Will you be my twin flame?” 

Monique answers: “Yes, I will!”

Then, I must tell you, that you must go through an initiation process, of learning certain things that are necessary for you to occupy that office. Thus, I will set up this training process, and who shall be your teachers? Those who have so far been your students. And thus I ask you, are you willing to be my teachers? 

Group answers: “Yes!” 

Then I invite all of you, I give you The Invitation, to make this shift in your self-awareness, where you see that you are building a community in which I, Master MORE, can live, move, and have my being, as close to being in physical embodiment as is possible. 

Now then, I must tell you, that there is one more ingredient needed in this equation. And it is indeed the sponsorship and love of Mother Mary, who will work with and through all of you, but who has for a long time, been training Joëlle,** to serve as her mouthpiece and messenger. She has already agreed to fill this role, not necessarily in her outer mind knowing exactly what this entails. But I want you to know, that she is sponsored by Mother Mary and by myself to go through this process of becoming the open door.

This does not mean that others could not be raised up to this also, for again, Monique and Joëlle have for a long time held a masculine–feminine polarity between themselves. And a polarity of teacher and student. But there comes a point where that polarity must be reversed for it to reach its full potential. And so, the blue flame qualities that you have embodied, Monique, and that have brought you to this point need only a rebalancing by the softness and the love of Mother Mary, which will come through Joëlle as you work together and continue to work together. 

Thus, I ask you, will you accept this mission? 

Monique and Joëlle answer: “Yes, we do!” 

Then, be not self-conscious of it. Be always aware of the greatest danger for spiritual students, which is to take yourself and your mission too seriously, thereby forgetting the joy, the humor that you have had so far. Maintain it, increase it, accelerate it. Let it be a joyous fulfillment of your mission. And I ask all of you in the group to remind yourselves, that without joy, there really is no point.

Without joy, there is no point in spirituality
For what has been missing from religion and spirituality for thousands of years is the joy. Do you not understand, my beloved, that God has given you free will, and he has no desire to force you to be spiritual or religious. He desires you to come into oneness with him because it is your greatest joy. 

Look at the churches, look at the spiritual organizations that you have known. Look at the people, as Mark Prophet*** used to talk about the “club of the long faces.” Well, so you will see in many spiritual and religious organizations those people who are very serious about themselves and their own importance and the importance of their mission. Thinking that they will single-handedly – or at least the organization will single-handedly – save the planet or bring The Golden Age of Saint Germai

And then ask yourself, my beloved – knowing that they have a sense of humor in heaven – would they really want heaven to be populated with people with those long faces? [laughter] I think not, my beloved. Let them stay on earth until they decide to put on a smile and come willingly and lovingly. Then, we will embrace them with open arms.

For we were not forced to ascend. We ascended out of love, because it was our joy. Why is the keynote of Jesus “Joy To The World?” Because he came to bring joy to the world. Because when you know that there is more to life than what you see in the material realm, that you are more than this outer personality and physical body, well then you have true joy. And that is the motor of life.

About the spiritual people in the Netherlands
Now, my beloved, a few more remarks, about the potential, although already touched upon in your discussions. You have the concept, in the Netherlands, of the dike and someone holding a finger in the dike. Well I tell you, my beloved, the spiritual people in this nation have for a long time been holding that finger in the dike—holding back the astral sea from completely overwhelming the Dutch people. But it is time, my beloved, to let the chips fall where they may—that the nation may either sink or swim. For you cannot forever hold back the initiations of people facing their own miscreations and the consequences of it. 

For if you do, you will actually prevent them from growing. For a time it is legal, according to the spiritual law, to give them a reprieve, as Jesus took upon himself the karma of the world for the Piscean Age. But then, after that reprieve, people must be “forced” to face their own state of consciousness and given the choice to either transcend it or to identify with it—and therefore be pulled down by the downward spiral they have created.

What then, can give the Dutch people that choice? It is that you, the spiritual people of this nation, stop seeing yourselves as those who are holding back the karma of the nation. But are willing to allow people to reap what they have sown, and then at the same time, be willing to be the open doors to bring forth the teaching that there is an alternative. You can be, then, the little child that cries out that the emperor has nothing on, that there is a better way, that there is an alternative. That we do not have to keep doing the same thing while insisting that one day we will get different results. For truly, you will not get different results—unless you count that things get worse as being different.

Be willing to go through a seismic shift
Thus, what is it that I, Master MORE, represent, my beloved? I represent the Divine Father, but what is that? What does it really mean? As an analogy, let me take the issue of a woman being pregnant. It starts as a very gradual process that is almost unnoticed. A woman might tune into this intuitively, but it takes a long time before her body starts showing visible signs of the pregnancy. Even then, my beloved, the child grows gradually and slowly and a woman can often feel that she still has some sense of control over what is happening to her. For after all, the child is contained in her womb. 

Yet what is it, then, that happens when the woman gives birth? It was asked why some women have trouble giving birth, and I shall explain to you the spiritual reason. You see, my beloved, the Divine Mother herself can grow. As Maitreya explains in his book, there is a built-in force in the Ma-ter Light that seeks to gradually, and in an evolutionary process, raise life to greater complexity. But that process is only evolutionary—it is not revolutionary. Which is why, if there is not a revolutionary jump, then the evolutionary process will become a closed circle and it will then start to deteriorate and break down.

For now, the lower part of the figure-eight flow of the spiritual and the material becomes that closed system, and the energies can only go around in a circle. They cannot make the jump through the nexus point of the Christ to go up into the upper part, where they are then multiplied and descend again to make the process of the Mother an upward spiral. 

And so you see, my beloved, what is it that a woman goes through as she comes nearer to the point of giving birth? It is that she has to be willing to go through that seismic shift. For you will know that two plates in the earth’s crust can have a tension, even an increasing tension for a time, but there is equilibrium because the plates are holding each other. But then a seismic event occurs, the plates shift dramatically and suddenly you have an earthquake, like you recently saw in Italy. 

And literally, for a woman to give birth to a child is like an earthquake in her body, but more so in her being, in her emotional/mental body, even in her sense of identity. For now she is no longer a pregnant woman but a mother with a physical child separated from her body. 

So you see, this as a symbol for how you all, men and women alike, experience spiritual growth. For a time, my beloved, you can grow gradually. And you are growing in a gradual, gentle manner that allows you to feel you have some sense of continuity in your own self-awareness. But the other side of the coin is that it also allows your ego to feel that it has some sense of control over you and your spiritual growth. 

And so, what will it take for you to truly transcend a certain level of ego consciousness? Well, it will take that you are willing to feel when the cycle of your evolutionary growth has come to its highest point and it is now time to make that revolutionary leap. By truly accepting a higher self-awareness, accepting going through that seismic shift whereby your old identity dies. And you give up the ghost—you let go of that old sense of self. Literally, letting it dissolve even though your ego feels like it is dying and wants you to feel that you are going to die as well. But you know you are not, you are going to be reborn. You – your sense of self – is reborn. 

But you see, my beloved, as a child cannot forever continue to grow in the womb, but must go through the seismic shift of being born – being pushed through the birth canal – you, yourselves – your soul – cannot continue forever to grow evolutionarily. It must come to the point where you are willing to go through that shift and let the Christ – or at least a higher sense of self – be born within you.

The tip of the spear in the Netherlands
This then, is the point that you, as a group, you as a spiritual people of this nation, are at right now. You who are here physically are what I call the tip of the spear but you are not the only ones in this nation. Many form the rest of the spear and add their weight behind you that gives the tip the force to penetrate the resistance. Yet if the tip is not willing, then it cannot break through to a new level. And so I ask you, indeed, to consider whether you are willing to let this weekend be that seismic shift in your self-awareness, where you recognize what has been said here of your potential of not denying God and what God can express through you. 

I am not saying this is going to happen in a moment, but I am saying that in a short period of time, your sense of self can indeed be reborn and you can feel like a new person—a new person in Christ. So ponder this, and if you are willing and do not feel you yet have the full understanding, then go back and study these discussions that you have had. For indeed, many, many teachings were given there.

Many things were said that came directly from us, as if it was a dictation, only it came forth in a conversational form. For again, my beloved, we do not desire in the Aquarian Age to promulgate the image that we of the Ascended Host are far removed from you, and therefore you can only commune with us on special occasions and in special environments and circumstances. You have access to us right within your hearts. We are always with you, the question is whether you will let us enter your outer awareness? Will you invite us in, will you give us The Invitation?

Surely, your group here has given us that invitation. I ask you to carefully consider that you have the right to continue in your old ways, where you are comfortable. But you also have the potential to transcend and reach beyond your own circle, eventually attracting many, many people, as our dream was given to Joëlle this morning of 4,000 people. But let us not limit it to that. For you see, my beloved, there are indeed many thousands of people in this nation who are ready to acknowledge their spirituality and to challenge the mass consciousness and its denial of the inner spirituality and its tendency to hammer down anyone who dares to express it.

A vision for the Shangra-la Mission
Thus again, you can stay where you are comfortable or you can step up and become the tip of the spear. Certainly, we are willing to work with you, individually, on an inner level, as you are open to hearing us. Should you require help through our outer messengers in the United States, we are willing to work through them as well. But certainly, the goal is that you become able to stand on your own but see that you do not stand alone but are part of that greater whole that we desire to establish as the community of the Holy Spirit for the Aquarian Age. A community dedicated to recognizing that the Mother is never alone. And that she is only the Divine Mother when she is one with the Divine Father and thus gives birth to the Divine Man-child, the Christ in all. 

I am profoundly grateful for your progress, for your willingness to transcend. I am profoundly grateful for those who are willing to support the establishment of the School of Being and our new center in the United States. We thus have a physical center in North America and now a physical center here, in Europe. They can form the nucleus, they can form a polarity, and eventually it may spread out to other continents. As certainly, we have messengers and messengers in training in South America, and will eventually have, according to free will, in other nations as well.

Do you see, my beloved, the Alpha and the Omega, where we have some messengers that are called to fulfill a more universal mission of speaking to the entire consciousness of humankind. And then we have those who have the potential to form the Omega polarity to that and thus speak to specific nations and cultures, so that we have that Alpha and Omega flow, that you cannot have through one person. 

For a person does not have in his or her mind the concepts, the understanding, the experience, the vocabulary of a particular culture. And thus, you see that when this messenger is here in this nation – or in South America or in Russia, or wherever – we cannot bring forth too specific of a message. For this messenger is indeed trained to speak universally, and thus his mind must stay at a certain level and not be too specific—and that is where other people can fill in. And so you see, my beloved, the potential to create a community where people are supporting each other, and the whole becomes more than the sum of the parts.

Kim and Lorraine have a more universal mission. Their youngest daughter as well can grow into a very universal mission by learning from her parents certain lessons that she is not yet aware of and at the same time teaching them certain lessons. For again, the student and the teacher switch polarities and learn from each other. 

And so, my beloved, it is with great joy that I have revealed to you a little bit of the vision I hold for the future of your movement. Is there more? Well certainly, or I would not be who I am. And that shall be revealed to you, but not in the same manner. For there are many things, as we have said, that cannot be revealed from an outer source, an outer teacher, an outer messenger. 

It can only come to you from within, but it will only come to you as you start moving, as you start multiplying what you have. And when you have been faithful, over the few things you have been given, then certainly we will give you more. For I AM, forever, the MORE and I am dedicated to the MORE in you—forevermore.

* Monique is the founder and leader of The Invitation spiritual center.

** Joëlle is a member of The Invitation and since the conference in Damme has been working with Kim and Lorraine, training to take messages from Mother Mary and other masters.

This message was delivered April 11, 2009 at “The Invitation,” a spiritual center in De Meern, near Utrecht, that has been functioning for over ten years and is now working with Shangra-la.